Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29 - Akihabara

Today was a really relaxed day. We didn't have almost anything planned, we didn't have to check out early, nothing. Which meant that our day started late. Really late.

After having toast for breakfast, I finished yesterdays blog entry. Sorry, but yesterday I was too tired to write... Anyway, later on we took the subway to Akihabara once again to buy the electronics stuff I needed, although this time we arrived there at 1pm, and could actually buy it. Later on, we walked around a bit looking for more stuff we could bring back home as souvenirs, although we didn't find anything other than Capsule Stations, where I bought some more Fullmetal Alchemist figures. While walking, we passed in front of an arcade, and I simply couldn't say no to another round in the Gundam simulator. This time, I asked Pia to take a video from the outside. The problem was that this time I wasn't fighting against complete beginners anymore... While yesterday I was almost never hit, today the opponents were a lot tougher. I ended up third out of four... But I got enough points to get a new mecha. I'll test it tomorrow... By the way

Here's a little video of me getting beat by my opponents :P :

Afterwards, we played another round of DDR, testing some more new songs. Yeah, WE. This time it was Pia who took the iniciative and asked me to play, even though she usually doesn't want to play.

Later on, we started our way back to Asakusa to eat chanko, but since it was too early for lunch and too soon for dinner, we bought some 100-yen burgers and ice at a famous burger restaurant and stayed there for a while enjoying the cold air from the AC. For some reason, these last days the weather seems to be a lot hotter than earlier... Which is also the reason why I didn't have any t-shirt left that hadn't been soaked in sweat. Damn, the laundry!

We went back to the hostel to get our things and hurried to the next laundry shop. We wanted to have chanko as some sort of lunch and dinner, which means at 6pm, but we definitely needed to do our laundry first... I put on my swimming trunks, and put all my clothes in the washing machine. The people that passed by looked at me wondering what the hell I was doing in my swimming trunks in the middle of Tokyo, but hey, at least I got to wash all my clothes!

After getting our clothes back to the hostel we finally went to the restaurant where we got chanko the first time. The cook recognised us instantly, and knew what we wanted to get. I think he put in a little less food this time, since last time we couldnt even finish half of it...
Today, it was just the right amount to allow us to finish it. And once again, it was delicious!

In Akihabara. We found one of those cafes where the waitresses are dressed up like in mangas. No, we didn't enter ¬¬
Just a random and rather blurred pic of the Tokyo Metro
A the small restaurant where we ate chanko. The man in the right is the owner. The picture was taken right after he brought the raw chanko to the table to cook it.
The map of the arena for today's Gundam round. They change the map every day or every two days, and they always put printouts of it near the PODs

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