Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17 - Watching Harii Pottaa

Once again, even though we should have left the hostel at 8, we didn't wake up until 8:30. After a 6 and a half hour long trip, we finally arrived at our hotel in Osaka, but of course, it ws already too late to go to Nara. In case you haven't seen what I've written on the map, we're staying at the hotel in Osaka we were last time, since hostels in Nara were too expensive.
Anyway, since we had nothing to do, and Pia coulnd't wait to watch the new Harry Potter movie, we searched for a cinema on the internet, and found one about one kilometer away from our hotel. We hadn't had anything that could qualify as lunch, so we bought something on our way to the cinema (even though it was 6 pm). You can get really cheap, but extremely tasty sausages on a stick in almost every department store. By the way, despite the economic problems we had at the beginning, keeping our expenses low these days has helped. According to my table, we now can spend around 6000 yen a day, which will probably prove useful in Hokkaido, the most expensive area we'll go to.

At the cinema, the first thing I noticed was the ad for Bolt. Apparently, the premiere in Japan will be August 1. In Spain, that movie has been out for some months now, even though usually Japan gets new movies and videogames much earlier than Europe.
Also, they were doing a lot of publicity for "Hachi", a new movie starring Richard Gere about the "faithful dog Hachikō", who accompanied his owner every day to his workplace and back home, and kept waiting for him even after his owners death every day until he died himself. I wonder how japanese people feel about having Richard Gere play the main role in such a movie...

For the movie, we bought some popcorn and drinks. The size of the popcorn bucket confirmed what we had been assuming for a long time: japanese people don't like too much junk food. What we got here as a large popcorn bucket is what you get in Spain labeled as "small" or maybe "medium"... For our movie, which was around 3 and a half hours long, it was way too small.

The movie itself was very good. I hadn't read the book (the last "Harry Potter" book I read was the fourth volume), so I coulnd't compare it to anything, and simply watched it as I watch any other movie. Pia, on the other side, complained a bit about some things from the book missing in the movie. Nevertheless, we both liked the movie. Oh, yeah, if you're wondering how we managed to understand what was happening: we watched it in English. In most cinemas here in Japan, depending on the time you watch a movie, you can get it dubbed in Japanese or in the original version with Japanese subtitles.

I know, today's entry didn't have much to do with Japan, but we simply didn't do much. I still have some general thinks about Japan to write about, but I'll leave that for another day, since I'm really tired, and it will be a long day tomorrow. Well, maybe not too long, but it'll surely be exhausting. Furthermore, the day after tomorrow we have to wake up at 4 am to catch our train... :'(

PS: "Harii Pottaa", as I wrote in the header, is just how they write "Harri Potter" in katakana.

At the hostel in Kagoshima. I have a lot of pictures of weird signs, and I'll probably write an entry about them sometime. Enjoy the preview :D
Getting our tickets.
I never thought I would find something saying "churritos" in Japan. This was at the cinema, when we were buying popcorn.
Publicity for "Hachi".

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