Friday, June 12, 2009


First of all, I want to explain a bit what this blog should be about ("should" as in "it will most probably change").
As the subtitle suggests, I define myself as a geek, mainly a computer geek. I've been programming my whole life, and participate regularly in algorithm-programming contests. By the way, that's where the name of this blog comes from. When I started competing, I used to try to solve every problem using so-called "greedy" algorithms. Of course, this turned into a disaster almost every time...
Another hobby of mine is electronics. Although I don't have as much experience in this field as in programming, I love building gadgets and, basically, playing around with electronics.

Thus, this blog's topic will mainly be technology, but it'll eventually contain some other stuff.
Next month, for example, I'll post as much as I can about the one-month trip to Japan my girlfriend and I will go on.

1 comment:

  1. hey!!!
    da du noch keine comments hast dachte ich schreib ich mal.
    jetzt hast du also auch einen blog.. jaja, ganz nett, aber noch zu schwarz ^^ was buntes muss noch her! wie waers mit pink ;P passt super zu schwarz ^^
    ich liebe dich!!
    (wer bin ich wohl ;))
